Friday, May 6, 2011

D.E.A.R. Friday

Clad in our workout clothes and trusty running shoes, we slowly gathered at the parking lot area of Teradyne Cebu, 5:00 p.m. of April 8. Dubbed as D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Run) Friday, it was the first in a series of activities planned out by the group TERunners, the company’s new running and walking club. I didn’t know what to expect but I sure was a bit anxious early on when I saw only about five people in the assembly area. “With this number, it will just be like running alone,” or so I thought.

Angelica Joson (from UltraFlex-Miata) and company suggested the once-a-week activity during the club’s second meeting. Everyone who heard the idea got so excited that they can’t wait to launch it right away. And so the group agreed to start the run the very Friday after that meeting.

The plan was to group into two--one for the runners and the other for beginners and walkers. But the early birds seemed to be comprised of those who can’t wait to dash out of the gate and run around MEPZ 2. So we decided we’ll just go as one group for that first meeting.

While waiting for someone to take the lead for the warm-up exercises, I saw the attendance gradually increasing with more Teradyners proceeding to the area. BRS-VTD’s Lourence Alemania, one of the club representatives, made sure that everything was set from the sketch board for drawing the run route to the attendance sheet for tracking active members. For the warm-up exercises, he also gamely took charge (at least that’s what I thought) with participants who now numbered around 15.

“I had mixed emotions—nervous, shy, and excited—since that was the first time that I had to lead an exercise in front of such number of people” he later shared.

“I’ll lead the warm-up next week,” Rowena Retuerte of Marketing promised. I told Lourence I could also lead the walkers group if they show up next Friday. For the running bunch, I’m sure the current pack leader would be glad to see volunteers too.

With excited smiles, 20 or so TERunners set out and run on a clear afternoon for two 2.5-kilometer laps in MEPZ 2. Led by avid runner Leopoldo Arias (Nextest), we proceeded at conversational pace. But we did not really worry about pace as the goal was just to cover the entire distance.

“Walk if you should, dash if you could, or just jog and chat like most of us are doing,” Pol said. “For those just starting out, we advise run-walk intervals.”

The run was already in full swing when more familiar faces, in wide grins, came to catch up and join us. Some cheerfully walked and chatted to cover the remaining distance.

PSG’s Juanito Serrano felt one lap is enough for starters. “I did not know that I had it in me, until it was out of me... my breath!” Juan quipped.

After two laps, majority of the attendees slowly trickled back into the Teradyne compound and congregated for the stretching exercises. I think I wouldn’t have finished the entire 4.5 kilometers if I was doing it alone because I would have been easily bored going the same route minus the chitchats and personal cheering squad.

“It was fun,” Angelica said. “It was a great way to meet people who like running as much as I do.”

I agree; it was great. Actually, it was more fun than solo running where my mind easily wanders off to ice-cold, calorie-laden drinks and to the cafeteria’s humba (braised pork belly). Now, TERunners just have to keep us feeling great every week and maybe those with high cholesterol levels like me won’t need medication at all.

TERunners is created, among others, to promote and encourage running and walking to employees as means to get fit, and, at the same time, have fun along the journey to better health and fitness. Aside from D.E.A.R. Friday, the group is planning to hold running clinics for participants to learn the basics and principles of training in running. For walkers, the group sees doing hikes and treks. Members and non-members are welcome to join the activities.

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